Everybody has a “Pandemic Story”…or two or three. One of mine involves incredible good luck.
In January of 2020, I decided I needed to improve the condition of my “work from home” space. We wanted to return my current vocal booth back to its original configuration as our linen closet . By removing a large console from my office that contained mostly outdated equipment, I could create enough space to squeeze a 4 foot by 4 foot by 7 1/2 foot vocal booth in my office. No more wires running down the hall. No more waiting for the lawn people to stop mowing before recording. I did my shopping, and found the perfect solution, from Vocalbooths.com. I ordered it, and waited for delivery. I also subscribed to SourceConnect.
Little did I know that by March of 2020, we’d all be hunkered down at home, with no ability to travel to the various studios I’d worked in for years. When the vocal booth arrived in May, it allowed me to work exclusively at home if I needed to, and that proved to be a godsend. For months, only folks who had professional home recording set-ups could get work, so my timing couldn’t have been better. Just like I drew it up…yeah right.
“Luck never gives…it only lends.”
“Studio D”